Fourth corona wave: Spahn expects a “sad climax” around Christmas

Fourth corona wave
Spahn expects a “sad climax” around Christmas

The Managing Minister of Health Jens Spahn speaks about the development of the corona pandemic. Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

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Jens Spahn defends the restrictions on unvaccinated people. You are in this situation because not everyone has been vaccinated, said Spahn. He’s pessimistic about the days around Christmas.

The acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn justified the far-reaching corona restrictions for unvaccinated people in Advent.

“If all adult Germans were vaccinated, we would not be in this difficult situation,” said the CDU politician in Berlin, with a view to the significantly higher proportion of unvaccinated infected and intensive care patients. The federal and state resolutions on stricter measures made it clear: “Germany takes the situation seriously.” These decisions came late, but at least they were made. They should now be implemented.

Spahn: The situation around Christmas is bad

Even if the measures showed full effect tomorrow, the hospital loads would increase, said Spahn. Germany will significantly exceed the number of more than 5000 corona patients in intensive care units in the next few days and weeks. The situation will “reach its sad climax around Christmas”.

Spahn said he would ask each and every one of them: “Help prevent further suffering.” All citizens should comply with requirements and reduce contacts. It is also not about exhausting every rule. The vaccination campaign is picking up speed again and is approaching daily record numbers in early summer. Spahn emphasized that enough vaccine was available for the goal of up to 30 million vaccinations by the end of the year.

The day before, the federal and state governments decided on a series of stricter measures for the Advent season. These include audience restrictions at major events and extensive contact restrictions for those who have not been vaccinated. You will also be denied entry to most shops during the Christmas season. The sale of firecrackers and fireworks on New Year’s Eve is banned nationwide. The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days rose to 442.1 on Friday after a slight decrease on the days before, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).


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