Four years in prison for spreading the decapitated head of Samuel Paty

A 31-year-old man was sentenced to four years in prison by the Béziers criminal court. He was prosecuted for public and direct provocation not followed by effect to commit a crime or an offense, apologia via the Internet of an act of terrorism, public incitement to hatred or violence because of origin, ethnicity , nation, race or religion and refusal to hand over to the judicial authorities the code to unlock his cell phone.

Released from prison in March 2021 after being imprisoned for the same facts, On the Internet and social networks, he had published several xenophobic and anti-Semitic comments. Some were accompanied by the decapitated head of Samuel Paty.

Revocation of a previous stay

In police custody, he had not regretted any of his words, defining himself “as an ethno sadist, that is to say, according to him, a white man who is not ashamed to be white”, evokes the public prosecutor, Raphaël Balland.

The court notably revoked a previous one-year probationary stay. He will also be the subject of socio-judicial monitoring for three years accompanied by two additional years of imprisonment in the event of non-compliance with his obligations. At the hearing, the prosecution requested five years’ imprisonment.

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