Four Italian supporters arrested for inciting racial hatred

Four people were arrested Tuesday evening in Paris by the police for provoking racial hatred inside the Parc des Princes, during the PSG-Juventus Turin match (2-1), the police headquarters announced on Wednesday. They were identified thanks to the video surveillance images of the police installed in the stadium. These people were in the square reserved for Juve supporters, a police source said.

Videos have also circulated on social networks showing supporters of the Italian club making Nazi salutes or shouting monkey cries. They may also have helped the police to identify the persons in question. The Paris prefecture said on Twitter that an investigation had been opened.

At the beginning of the afternoon on Wednesday, the association SOS Racisme published a press release in which it said it was expecting “a strong reaction from UEFA in the face of these behaviors which, although fortunately they remain marginal, remain too frequent in the stadiums”. “Faced with such behavior, all the actors concerned – justice, clubs, supporters’ associations, European football authorities – must all respond firmly”, estimates the president of the association Dominique Sopo in this press release, also signed by the UEJF and Sportitude.

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