four injured after the attack on a Kurdish local in Lyon

Lyon: Four injured after the attack on a Kurdish local (Illustration) – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

Four men of Kurdish origin were attacked Saturday afternoon with an iron bar in an association room in downtown Lyon, during an action that the victims attribute to the Turkish ultranationalist group of Gray Wolves.

“Around 2:30 pm there was an intrusion of at least ten people in a Kurdish room in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon. There is a lot of damage and four minor injuries, ”said the police.

When the police arrived, the attackers had left the scene.

Brawl between two gangs, according to firefighters

“There was a brawl between two gangs which resulted in the transport of four injured in relative urgency to neighboring hospitals, for their part said the firefighters. The victims, men aged between 30 and 45, were wounded with knives, bats and iron bars. “

In a press release, the Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDK-F) affirms that “the Gray Wolves dressed in balaclavas, (and equipped) with baseball bats and bladed weapons, attacked with the greatest violence our association in Lyon and beat up its limbs. Four Kurds in the association were wounded to the blood by Erdogan’s dangerous thugs ”.

The Gray Wolves disbanded in November

The Gray Wolves, a Turkish ultranationalist group known to be close to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, were dissolved in November by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin after being singled out during incidents with the Armenian diaspora near Lyon.

The cultural association of Lyon whose members were targeted had already denounced two weeks ago threats and inscriptions attributed to the Gray Wolves on the door of its premises located on the ground floor. The initials of the Turkish ultranationalist party MHP as well as the letters RTE (for Recep Tayyip Erdogan), had been tagged.

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