four French tourists including a child missing in the jungle

Tikal Park is the main Mayan archaeological site in Guatemala, located more than 500 km north of the capital. IBRESTER /

The tourists, all members of the same family, were last seen in Tikal National Park on Wednesday.

Four French tourists, including a six-year-old child, are missing in the jungle of northern Guatemala, near the border with Mexico and Belize, the authorities of the small Central American country announced on Friday August 11.

The tourists, all members of the same family, were “last seenWednesday in Tikal National Park, in the department of Petén, the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism said in a bulletin posted on social media.

Mayan archaeological site

The four tourists are two women aged 40 and 68, a 41-year-old man and a six-year-old boy, according to the same source. The alert was also sent to the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in Guatemala, according to the bulletin of the Guatemalan institute. Tikal Park is the main Mayan archaeological site in Guatemala, located more than 500 km north of the capital.

With its imposing pyramids and temples, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979 and is located in a remote region where gangs linked to drug trafficking operate.

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