Four CRS 36 agents convicted of aggravated violence

Prison sentences and work bans were handed down on Thursday by the Strasbourg court for the unjustified arrest of two men by five police officers, members of the Republican Security Company (CRS) 36, based in Moselle. They were tried for “aggravated violence” and “arbitrary attack on individual freedom” after the complaint of an individual arrested in April 2023 in the Cronenbourg district of Strasbourg.

The group leader was sentenced to 30 months in prison, including 12 months under an electronic bracelet, and a five-year ban on practicing. Another agent received a prison sentence of 18 months, including 9 months, and a ban on practicing for two years. Two officers were given suspended sentences, while the last was released “with the benefit of the doubt”.

A “school case”, according to the prosecutor

These sentences are less severe than those requested by the prosecutor, who described the case as a “textbook case”. He denounced the police for having “created disorder” instead of maintaining order, and for lying in their reports. The prosecutor stressed that these actions undermine trust in the police, which is essential to delivering justice. It’s “a summary of everything you shouldn’t do,” he said. “They were supposed to enforce the law, they violated it,” he said during his indictment.

During the disputed arrest, the five CRS brutally arrested two young men of “North African type” without clear motive. Videos of the arrest showed violent acts and inappropriate comments on the part of the police. One of the men was released after 48 hours in police custody, complaining of beatings and the theft of 410 euros. A doctor had given him a one-day ITT.

The defense contested the decision and the validity of the videos, highlighting the lack of training of the CRS for urban procedures and the errors in the reports due to this lack of practice. The lawyers denounced a disproportionate procedure, and the police officers, well rated by their superiors, expressed their humiliation at being judged. Their lawyer plans to appeal.

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