Fortuna Dusseldorf plans free home games – Sport

Second division soccer team Fortuna Düsseldorf wants to offer selected games and in the long term all home games for spectators free of charge from the coming season. According to media reports, the former Bundesliga club is planning “an absolute stadium revolution” and “an absolute world sensation”. The club around CEO Alexander Jobst, Klaus Allofs (sport), Arnd Hovemann (finance) and supervisory board boss Björn Borgerding will officially present its strategic realignment on Wednesday under the name “Fortuna for everyone”.

The goal: All supporters, including guest fans, should be granted free entry to league home games, regardless of the class. In a pilot phase, this is apparently to be introduced in the coming 2023/24 season for three matches that have not yet been determined. This is made possible by the involvement of sponsors, writes the “Rheinische Post”.

A number of companies are ready to take this completely new path with Fortuna for several years. In order to actually be able to offer all home games freely accessible, the sponsor participation would have to increase. Currently, the average attendance at home games of the table sixth is almost 30,000 fans.

Distribution key for sponsoring income

The future sponsoring income generated via the new method is to be distributed according to a specific key. In addition to investments in the professional squad, 20 percent should flow into young people and women’s football. A further 20 percent is earmarked for the digital infrastructure and the arena, in which EM games will also take place in 2024. With ten percent, mass sport in the city and sustainability projects are to be funded.

In addition to free entry, further incentives for fans are being considered. They should be able to play an active role and have a say in the new path. “We want to listen and create together,” the letter says. Fortuna is convinced that “the club will be future-proof”.

At the same time, it is conceded that “the unique concept” also raises questions. The pilot phase will therefore be used “to try out and sharpen”. Dusseldorf definitely wants to return to the Bundesliga. This season, the promotion train has already departed nine points behind the relegation place with five games left.

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