Fortran programming language back in top 10 of Tiobe index after 20 years

The May edition of the Tiobe Index shows the programming language Fortran in the top 10 again after more than 20 years. The IT consulting firm Tiobe evaluates the twenty most popular programming languages ​​on the web every month, but the results are controversial. The sources include Google and Amazon.


According to the blog post, one reason for Fortran’s resurgence is the release of the new ones ISO Fortran 2023 definition and the growing importance of numerical and mathematical calculations.

The language was developed in 1957, making it one of the oldest programming languages. It is known for its high performance in numerical and scientific calculations, is considered stable, efficient and is available free of charge.

If you look at the top 10 most popular programming languages ​​according to the Tiobe index and compare the May edition with that of January 2024, it is noticeable that the Go programming language is making its way to the top. In January, Visual Basic, SQL and Scratch took places 8 to 10. In the current edition, Go sells the Visual Basic programming language developed by Microsoft in 8th place and Fortran sells the visual programming language Scratch in 10th place.

The programming languages ​​Go and Fortran climb the top 10 of the May edition of the Tiobe Index.

The programming languages ​​Go and Fortran climb the top 10 of the May edition of the Tiobe Index.


At the Calculation of the index the operator evaluates the number of engineers, courses and service providers who use a programming language. Tiobe collects this from various internet search engines. In the broadest sense, the index shows the presence of programming languages ​​on the web. The operators themselves point out that the index should be used more to check whether programming knowledge is up to date and to make strategic decisions when selecting programming languages ​​for new projects.

Critics note that other indices come to significantly different results, such as PYPL or GitHub Innovation GraphAll three indices agree that C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP and Python are among the top ten. There is not much more agreement.

More information on the May issue of the Tiobe Index can be found in the article on


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