Formula 1: You have to pay attention to this at the Mexican Grand Prix

formula 1
That’s something to watch out for at the Mexican Grand Prix

Max Verstappen (M) took pole for the Mexico race. Behind them, George Russell (r) and Lewis Hamilton start the race. photo

© Moises Castillo/AP/dpa

Is Mexico celebrating its first Formula 1 home win? Or will the record champion make it to the top after almost a year? It could be exciting in Mexico, also for the German duo.

The pole man can become a record winner of the season, the third man wants to avoid the first unsuccessful career season, the fourth on the grid creates the first home win of a Mexican.

The Mexican Grand Prix promises plenty of excitement this Sunday (9 p.m. CEST / Sky). If he were to win, world champion Max Verstappen would overtake Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel in the category for the most successes of the season in Formula 1. In 2004 Schumacher got 13 wins, in 2013 Vettel succeeded.

But the fact that Verstappen has the Silver Arrow duo breathing down his neck doesn’t make the task any easier. And then there’s the matter of Sergio Perez and the home win, while the German duo are looking to limit the damage after a botched qualification.

The first two starting rows

A constellation with an explosive factor. Verstappen on one, next to Hamilton. George Russell in the second Mercedes just behind Verstappen and Perez just behind Hamilton, who faces the first season of his career without a single Grand Prix win.

“Honestly, I’m pretty happy with the position on the way down to the first corner,” said Hamilton. Because even if the course is one of the shortest on the calendar, the road to the first corner is long. Hamilton’s employer had already explained in his Grand Prix preview that 811 meters would be covered at full throttle.

Depending on the constellation after the first corners and the first laps, the strategy still remains in the battle for victory in the third to last race of the season. If both Red Bull drivers and both Mercedes drivers are still in the race, it will be exciting to see who the command posts are counting on: Verstappen because of the record, Perez because of the home win, Hamilton because of the first win of the season or Russell to top off a strong performance of the season and his first Mercedes victory. In general, it would be the Silver Arrows’ first victory this year. And team boss Toto Wolff said: Mexico is the best attempt.

German starting row

The worst would be if Mick Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel get in each other’s way. Together they are in a starting row, it will probably be 15th for Schumacher and 16th for Vettel. While the 35-year-old four-time world champion is on his Formula 1 farewell tour in the Aston Martin, Mick Schumacher, twelve years his junior, is concerned with the future.

Qualifying didn’t go well, his fast and good lap in the first section was canceled because he had left the track. A year ago, Mick Schumacher started the race in Mexico from 14th place, but didn’t get far. Already on the first lap he was involved in an accident and retired.

Forum Sol

Baseball stadium, concert grounds and the absolute highlight of every lap at the Mexican Grand Prix. The fans celebrate in the concrete grandstands, plus there are seats especially for VIPs with the perfect view of the passage before the home straight and the subsequent podium ceremony with a party atmosphere.


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