Formula 1 live ticker: Saudi Arabia Grand Prix should be continued

8:06 p.m

Berger: Formula 1 will make the right decision

The previously announced meeting is currently taking place in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, ex-Formula 1 driver and DTM boss Gerhard Berger previously explained to Sky: “I have a very clear advice: to rely on Stefano Domenicali, the FOM and the FIA.”

“They are responsible for the systems, they have the first and best information and they will give the instructions,” says Berger, who emphasizes: “My personal opinion has always been that sport should contribute to political stability.”

“Maybe only a small part, but all nations come together in sport. Everyone fights in a friendly manner, and events are held, and there is always a feeling of togetherness, and that is also an important message,” said Berger.

8:00 p.m

Magnussen: At least it feels good in the car

We get the first votes – but only from press releases. As I said, the media rounds have all been cancelled. We try to make the best of it, even if these smoothed PR quotes are usually not the most exciting.

Let’s start with Haas, where Magnussen is one of the big losers of the day. He basically missed 1.5 sessions and was only able to drive 30 minutes. After all, the car didn’t feel “that bad” in the half hour of FT2, he reports.

“We can use some of Mick’s experience with the long runs,” hopes the Dane. The German himself explains: “We know what package we have. Now it’s up to us to bring everything together.”

“Not a perfect day,” sums up team boss Günther Steiner and explains: “It could have gone better. Kevin had too many technical problems with the car. But we’re working on it. Mick did a good, solid job.”

7:33 p.m

More explosions?

This video allegedly shows more explosions in Jeddah. Will Formula 1 really be racing here this weekend? It could still be a long night for all involved with lots of talks…

19:30 o’clock

All media rounds cancelled

Our colleague Adam Cooper on site reports that all media rounds have been canceled at the request of the FIA. As a reminder, there will be another meeting in half an hour. So here in the ticker it’s definitely going to continue!

7:22 p.m

Problem with Tsunoda

The Japanese rolled out at the very end of the session. Not good for Red Bull powertrains after already three of the four cars retired in Bahrain.

By the way, one team after the other is canceling the media appointments scheduled for today. Apparently you have other worries right now – understandably.

7:16 p.m

FT2: Closing time

On the track it was meanwhile with the action, as expected, nothing changed in the times. Here in the ticker we continue with the votes for Friday. And of course we will continue to keep an eye on developments in Jeddah.

Here is a quick overview:

training report

Result FT2

Overall result Friday

Photos: F1: Saudi Arabian Grand Prix (Jeddah) 2022

7:15 p.m

Official Formula 1 statement

After the promoter, Formula 1 has now also made a statement. There it says that you are in “close contact” with the authorities. They would have assured “that the event can take place as planned.” We already know that.

The situation will continue to be “closely monitored,” it said. A popular sentence in such a situation. Here is the statement verbatim:

“Formula 1 has been in close contact with the relevant authorities following the situation that took place today. The authorities have confirmed that the event can continue as planned and we will remain in close contact with them and all the teams and closely monitor the situation. “

7:09 p.m

FT2: final phase

The last few minutes are running out on the track and the drivers are concentrating on long runs, as announced. So there are no more fast times. Incidentally, Ferrari has already packed up after the accidents. So no long runs here.

The best time of the day will go to Leclerc. But the picture is distorted, because as a reminder: Verstappen could not do his soft run because of the VSC. Sainz, Perez and the Mercedes drivers land behind them.

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