Former President Donald Trump doesn’t hesitate to fire up the Biden administration and its handling of the conflict

Weakness, incompetence, stupidity. These are Donald Trump’s sweet words for the Biden administration. In making his remarks, former President Donald Trump buried for good the old custom that American partisan bickering is suspended in the event of a foreign conflict.

Barely minutes after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “military operation” in Ukraine and the first explosions in Kiev, the former tenant of the White House, de facto leader of the Republican Party, dropped the dogs on the conservatives’ favorite channel, Fox News.

Two smelly pigs

The one who had estimated a few days ago that Vladimir Putin’s strategy in Ukraine was “genius” once again declared that none of this would have happened if he was still in power. “All of this is happening because of the stolen election,” he assured, reiterating for the umpteenth time his unfounded accusations of irregularities during the 2020 presidential election, in which millions of Americans still believe.

Earlier in the morning, a White House spokesman replied, not mince words: “Two nauseating and fearful pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every action is motivated by their own weakness and insecurity. , rubbing snouts and celebrating the loss of innocent lives,” Andrew Bates lambasted on Twitter about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump’s position is very far from reflecting that of the Republican leadership, which is much more warlike and neoconservative. Unanimous in denouncing Moscow’s actions, these elected officials call for an ultra-firm reaction from Joe Biden and support the president’s action. Thus, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who usually does not spare his attacks against the Democratic leader, estimated on Wednesday that Joe Biden had made the “right decision” by sanctioning the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which was to supply Berlin with gas. Russian.

Former President George W. Bush, often critical of Donald Trump, also called on the “American people and government to stand in solidarity with Ukraine”.

Finally, conservative tenor Mitch McConnell felt that the hasty withdrawal of the United States from Kabul, under the authority of Joe Biden, had acted as a “signal” to Putin that “America was in withdrawal” and represented a “an invitation to the autocrats of the world that perhaps now was the right time to act”. But the elected Republicans, of whom he is the leader in the Senate, should nevertheless join their Democratic colleagues in cracking down on Moscow when Congress returns at the start of next week.

America first

But between neoconservatives and isolationists, who has the support of public opinion? With nine months of mid-term elections which could well redraw the American political landscape, the question is crucial and will undoubtedly influence everyone’s positions. According to recent polls, only a minority of Americans believe that the United States should play a major role in the conflict.

Probably one of the reasons why a handful of elected officials close to Donald Trump have attacked the Biden administration, accusing it of neglecting Americans on subjects they consider much more urgent, such as inflation or immigration. , in favor of a crisis far too far from home. “Put America’s borders first,” said elected official Marjorie Taylor Greene, very close to Donald Trump, on Wednesday.

The many contenders for the Republican nomination, gathered in Florida on Thursday for their high mass and who hope to dislodge Joe Biden in 2024, should not hold back either.

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