Former president Didier Gailhaguet claims to have “no role” in the federation

Until then Secretary General of the French Ice Sports Federation (FFSG), Patrice Martin was ousted following a vote of the Federal Council, we learned this Wednesday from the President of the Federal Council. Patrice Martin had notably distinguished himself by denouncing “cronyism”, “between oneself” and “personal interest” at the head of the federation. Asked about the current upheavals at the FFSG, and the accusations that he is still pulling the strings behind the scenes, the former president of the FFSG, Didier Gailhaguet, assured that he had “no role in the federation”. He simply called himself an “attentive spectator”.

If he admits having “actively participated” in the campaign for the election, which saw Gwenaelle Noury ​​beat Nathalie Péchalat at the end of June, who had succeeded him, Didier Gailhaguet explained that he found it “abnormal to be involved” although he has “no position”. At the time of the campaign, Nathalie Péchalat had assured that her competitor was “remotely guided” by ex-president Didier Gailhaguet. The latter had been forced to resign in the spring of 2020, when he was accused of covering up a trainer implicated in rape and sexual assault.

Gailhaguet says he does not want to chair the FFSG

Asked about the return of some of his relatives, in particular his former right-hand man Sylvie Pulcini, which several sources put forward, Didier Gailhaguet replied as follows: “It’s not me who makes the contracts”. Gwenaelle Noury, unknown in the world of skating, “was democratically elected”. “You have to let her work,” he urges. When people ask me for advice, I gladly give it. “While Gwenaelle Noury ​​did not wish to answer, Didier Gailhaguet explained that it was better to concentrate on the Internationals of France, which arrive in ten days.

Responding to those who lend him the intention of changing the statutes to be able to return to the organization chart of the federation, Didier Gailhaguet specifies: “And I would arrive hooded to change the statutes? “. The one who is currently treasurer of Brian Joubert’s club in Poitiers claims to have “no desire to become president of this federation again”.

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