Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shot and injured in attack

The former prime minister was reportedly shot on Friday while delivering a speech in the city of Nara. A suspect has been arrested.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe collapsed Friday, July 8 in the middle of a meeting while giving a speech in a street in the city of Nara (west), in view of the senatorial elections on Sunday. At least two shots were heard.

Shinzo Abe was taken to hospital unconscious. His condition was not immediately known. According to witnesses, blood was flowing from his neck. Around 5 a.m. (Paris time) local media announced that he no longer showed any signs of life, although this information has not been confirmed by official sources. “According to a local fire station, former Prime Minister Abe appears to be in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest”, said public broadcaster NHK, using a term used in Japan before a death could be confirmed by a doctor. Contacted by AFP, local police and firefighters were unable to confirm.

Several outlets reported that he appeared to have been shot from behind, likely with a gun. NHK released a video of the scene:

A suspect has reportedly been arrested. It would be a man in his forties, who would have been arrested at the very scene of the tragedy.

Shinzo Abe was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister. He was in office in 2006 for one year, then again from 2012 to 2020.

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