Former investigating judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke is dead

Renaud Van Ruymbeke investigated the biggest financial affairs in the Republic.
Francois Bouchon / Le Figaro

Elf, Urba, Clearstream, the Taiwan frigates, Kerviel, Cahuzac and even Balkany… the name of the former financial magistrate was associated with a large number of high-profile cases. He was 71 years old.

Former financial judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke has died, announced Éric Dupond-Moretti on X this Friday, May 10. “France loses a great magistrate and Justice an immense servant. I send my heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones.“, he wrote. He was 71 years old.

Renaud Van Ruymbeke, who retired in 2019, was recognized for his great integrity and tenacity, investigated the biggest financial affairs of the Republic: Elf, Urba, Clearstream, the Taiwan frigates, Kerviel, Cahuzac and even Balkany . He is an emblematic figure in the fight against corruption.

He embodied the image of the independent and courageous investigating judge, and will leave an indelible mark in the judicial history of our country.», reacted on X Rémy Heitz, attorney general at the Court of Cassation.

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