Former EU Commission President Delors dies |

As of: December 27, 2023 7:08 p.m

He was President of the EU Commission for ten years and is considered the “architect of the modern European Union”: Now the French politician Jacques Delors has died at the age of 98.

Former EU Commission President Jacques Delors is dead. The Frenchman died in Paris at the age of 98, as his daughter Martine Aubry confirmed to the AFP news agency. “He died in his sleep this morning in his home in Paris,” said Aubry, who is mayor of Lille. The Reuters news agency also confirmed the politician’s death.

The French socialist, born in Paris on July 20, 1925, was Minister of Economy and Finance under President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1984 before moving to Brussels in 1985 and heading the EU Commission for ten years – longer than any other Commission President. Delors played a key role in reviving and promoting the idea of ​​European integration.

Introduction of the euro as the highlight of the EU’s career

During his time at the head of the EU Commission, the commonality in Europe became increasingly important. The internal market and the beginning of a common foreign policy fell during Delors’ term of office. The highlight of his political career was in 1991, when the introduction of the euro was decided in Maastricht.

He was familiar with currencies and money. His father was a courier for a bank, Delors himself was a banker. He soberly described his role in the cabinet during his three years as finance and economics minister under the socialist President Mitterrand: “While the others are making big speeches, I stand in the kitchen at the stove to make sure the soup doesn’t boil over,” said Delors .

The socialist played an important, European role in German unity. He dropped reservations earlier than others and supported reunification. With his officials, he ensured the almost seamless integration of the GDR into what was then the European Community.

Under his leadership, the European Community, as it was then called, grew from ten members to twelve – Spain and Portugal joined the EC in 1986. In 1995 Sweden, Austria and Finland were added.

Sober, objective, goal-oriented

Delors was not a political actor. He acted soberly, objectively, goal-oriented. About himself, Delors once said: “I don’t hide. I make mistakes, I lose my temper. But people say: ‘This guy is human.'” He will never be a great politician because he cares about his image “Can’t worry,” said the socialist.

Others described the short, elegant man with thick-rimmed glasses and slicked-back gray hair as someone capable of simultaneously displaying “rudeness, finesse, insight and diplomatic skill.” “I like Delors above all for his intellect,” said Peter Sutherland, a former commissioner from Ireland, in the 1990s. “But he was extremely tense – like a stretched spring.”

Delors and Kohl at a meeting in Bonn in 1987.

Important supporters like Mitterand and Kohl

After ten years of his presidency at the head of the EU Commission, the strong Europe became weaker again. The fact that he played such a strong role during his term in office was not just due to him and the clear vision of Europe that drove him. Delors usually had important supporters on his side. The French President Mitterand as well as the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The fact that he was able to secure this support again and again was the secret of his political success.

In France, Delors declined to run for the Socialists’ presidential candidacy in 1995, even though he was considered the most promising candidate.

Macron: “Inexhaustible “Architect of our Europe”

After his death was announced, French President Emmanuel Macron praised Delors as a statesman who served as an “inexhaustible architect of our Europe” and fighter for human justice.

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, wrote on the online platform X that with the death of Delors, the EU is losing a giant. As an honorary citizen of Europe, he worked tirelessly for a united Europe. “Generations of Europeans will continue to benefit from his legacy,” said the EU leader.

The incumbent EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described Delors on X as a “visionary who made our Europe stronger.” His life’s work is a united, dynamic and prosperous European Union that has shaped entire generations of Europeans.

Carolin Dylla, ARD Paris, tagesschau, December 27th, 2023 6:52 p.m

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