Former Bundestag Vice President: Antje Vollmer died

Status: 03/16/2023 12:53 p.m

Former Green politician Antje Vollmer is dead – she was 79 years old. According to her son, Vollmer died after a long and serious illness. Vollmer was Vice President of the Bundestag for more than ten years.

The former Greens politician and former Vice President of the Bundestag, Antje Vollmer, is dead. She died peacefully on Wednesday with her family after a long, serious illness. That’s what her son told the dpa news agency. Vollmer was 79 years old.

Green politician Antje Vollmer has died – an obituary

Torsten Beermann, WDR, daily news at 12:00 p.m., March 16, 2023

Vice-President of the Bundestag for more than ten years

In 1983 she entered the Bundestag for the first time with the Greens. From 1994 to 2005 she was Vice-President of Parliament – she was the first representative of the Greens to hold this office. In 2005, Vollmer withdrew from the Bundestag.

Most recently, the doctor of theology had publicly criticized the course of the federal government in the Ukraine war. The 79-year-old backed the controversial peace manifesto by Alice Schwarzer and Sahra Wagenknecht.

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