Forget the fork, this “fountain composter” spins on its own like a watermill

The composters, created by CompostMotion, are veritable small factories for recovering bio-waste. This Hérault company has just developed a “fountain composter”, with a particularly neat design, intended to equip residences, schools, restaurants, or neighborhoods.

It was Arthur Jourdan, a former engineer at Valorga International, a pioneer in methanization, who created this strange device. “I started working on this project in my garage, before being joined by other people, connected in trade and marketing, who told me that at the moment composting was all the rage. stern, he confides. And that we could perhaps offer it to communities, etc. »

This composter can process “up to 200 meals a day”

This “fountain composter”, powered by a solar panel, is very simple to use: just put the waste in a chute, by lifting a lid. At the Esat (Establishment and service of help through work) the Blue Bubble, in Montpellier, where the machine was installed, it makes it possible to treat “up to 200 meals per day”, notes the founder. Which corresponds to 15 households, in a building, or two or three restaurants. And to recover the compost, all you have to do is open a hatch and help yourself.

The fountain composter created by Compost Motion – Compost Motion

The big advantage of this new type of composter is that it removes the main obstacles to the development of collective composting. First, it is not necessary to grab a fork to turn the waste, a maneuver that can be tedious. This composter rotates automatically and mixes the organic materials, thanks to a paddle wheel, fed by a small waterfall, like traditional water mills. “The remaining water is not in contact with the bio-waste, notes Arthur Jourdan. Bio-waste is oxygenated, which promotes composting. » If it is not raining or it is very hot, it is only necessary to supply the device with one or two buckets of water, after a few weeks, so that the level is sufficient.

The other quality of the machine developed by Compost Motion is that it avoids the usual bad smells of composters, thanks to a filter. The young company from Hérault is also working on the manufacture of a smaller composter, and another, transparent, to show children in schools how this process works. Arthur Jourdan also hopes that a community will soon be seduced, the metropolis of Montpellier perhaps, and agree to experiment with the process.

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