Forestry: Producer prices for raw wood increased significantly

Producer prices for raw wood increased significantly

The prices for wood have increased significantly in the past year – especially for spruce. Photo: Thomas Frey/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The Federal Statistical Office presents new figures regarding the prices for wood. The rise cannot be overlooked. What are the reasons?

Demand for lumber and rising exports drove up producer prices for raw wood in Germany last year. The prices rose on average by 14.8 percent compared to 2020, as the Federal Statistical Office announced on Wednesday.

It was the first price increase for raw wood from the state forests since 2014. The Wiesbaden authority also attributed this to the increased export of sawn timber, for example to the USA.

Reduced supply of spruce wood

Spruce wood rose particularly sharply in the past year (plus 26.2 percent). According to the information, it was the strongest increase since 1993. In the previous year, drought and the associated pest infestation, for example by bark beetles, had led to poorer quality and thus to comparatively low prices. Stocks recovered last year and the quality of the wood improved. In addition, the felling of spruce was legally limited until September 30, 2021, which led to a lower supply.

Pine wood increased in price by 9.4 percent within a year. Deciduous tree prices rose 1.4 percent for oak and 2.1 percent for beech.

Industrial wood, which is generally of lower quality and is used, for example, to make paper, increased in price by 7.2 percent last year. The prices for energy wood, which is used as raw wood for energy use, rose by 6.3 percent.


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