Forego giving gifts for Christmas ?: That’s what the stars think

Forego giving gifts for Christmas?
That’s what the stars think

Bruce Darnell gives himself a present.

© imago / Future Image

How big is the mess with the stars? More and more people do without gifts at Christmas, as a survey by spot on news shows.

Christmas without presents? Many stars are now also doing without big presents. “I give myself peace and satisfaction. That’s the best gift,” reveals Bruce Darnell (64) spot on news.

The best gift is time

Jana Ina (45) and Giovanni Zarrella (43) have not given each other anything for Christmas for a long time either. The best thing we can give each other is the time we spend together. Or the trips we take with the Make family. Christmas is a family celebration and that’s why we prefer to spend time with our loved ones, “explains the moderator.

Henning Baum (49) doesn’t buy presents – for a very simple reason: “Because I’m not good at it. People have everything, so why not fill the booth full. But when I know that someone needs something, I’m happy to give it to him. The men are actually always happy about good tools. I am also happy about books and records, otherwise I have everything, “says the actor.

Singer Lea (29), on the other hand, is weighted. “You give something to someone and you only get one present yourself. It’s as minimalistic as possible,” explains the 29-year-old. For bestselling author Hera Lind (64), “Gifts are not that important. There are of course gifts for the little ones, but we adults give each other deep conversations, laughter, listening and appreciation”.

Motsi Mabuse has “clear ideas”

When it comes to gifts, however, Motsi Mabuse (40) has been thinking long in advance. “I always have clear ideas about what I would like to give my loved ones for Christmas. I always think about it for a long time because I enjoy giving presents so much. I always do the shopping just before Christmas, but thinking? It starts already in September. “

Actor couple Andrea Sawatzki (58) and Christian Berkel (64) “even have presents for the dogs. Special treats that they then have to unpack themselves,” reveals the 58-year-old. In addition to gifts for her loved ones, Victoria Swarovski (28) also sees donations for Christmas: “We always donate to a good cause. For animal welfare and for children. That is also very important to me personally.”


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