Forecast: Christmas: It will be mild, wet and windy for the holidays

Christmas: It will be mild, wet and windy for the holidays

A mother and her child look at a partially flooded street in Osnabrück. photo

© Friso Gentsch/dpa

The storm “Zoltan” has now moved on, but according to the DWD, Germany remains within the influence of an air mass limit. What does this mean for the holidays?

white Christmas is falling apart this year. It will remain wet and windy at the festival, as the German Weather Service in Offenbach predicted on Saturday. “It’s been magical for years, snow at Christmas just doesn’t seem to be possible across Germany anymore,” said DWD meteorologist Marcel Schmid. Despite the weather, you won’t get bored.

Although the storm “Zoltan” has now moved to the Baltics, Germany remains within the influence of an air mass limit. According to Schmid, there will be prolonged rainfall on Saturday in a strip roughly from the North Sea to the Ore Mountains. “In some cases it snows to the east down to low altitudes and in the Erzgebirge there is sometimes severe weather.” During the night the air mass boundary moves northeastwards and a strong thaw sets in.

According to the expert, very mild weather dominates on Christmas Eve at eight to thirteen degrees. Rainfall occurs again and again, and is sometimes heavier, especially around the mountains. “The tense constant rain and flood situation in some areas is continuing,” said Schmid.

Low foothills over Germany

According to the meteorologist, low-level foothills repeatedly pass over Germany during the Christmas holidays. The weather therefore continues to be changeable. Thanks to the supply of Atlantic air, it also remains very mild. The DWD predicts highs of eight to thirteen degrees for Monday and seven to twelve degrees for Tuesday.

According to Schmid, the snowfall limit lies beyond the summits of the low mountain ranges. It only drops again to around 1000 meters in the north and the center on Boxing Day. The weather over the holidays is a little friendlier in the south. “It stays mostly dry there and the sun can prevail at times and in certain areas.”

The meteorologist warned that it would remain very windy in Germany until Boxing Day. Stormy gusts continued to threaten at times and in certain areas, including squalls in some areas. “It’s only during Boxing Day that the wind from the west gradually runs out of steam.”


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