for Vladimir Putin, the world is entering its “most dangerous” decade since the Second World War

The invasion of Ukraine exposes a growing gap between African and Western countries

The fallout from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia brings to light the contradictions between the aspiration of African countries to strategic autonomy and the solidarity with a European country under attack that their Western partners demand.

The 8e edition of the Dakar International Forum, a conference of leaders and experts on security in Africa, which was held this week, echoed these reciprocal misunderstandings.

“Africa is not against Ukraine, we must not have the impression that Africans are insensitive to the situation in Ukraine. That’s not it at all”assured the host of the Forum, the Senegalese Head of State Macky Sall, current President of the African Union (AU). “But Africans say that when Ukraine is at war, is invaded, is attacked, Africa is constantly attacked by terrorism”he argued.

He also deplored the lack of international solidarity with the continent in the face of economic crisis and disease, setting the tone for many interventions by African leaders.

A disparity which was also moved by the Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdoulaye Diop, representative of a regime dominated by colonels who withdrew from the bodies of the G5 Sahel, too sensitive according to him to the “French pressure”. “For Ukraine, where Africa is being asked to take a stand, in a few days, more than eight billion have been mobilizeddid he declare. It’s a policy of double standards. All human lives, black, white, red and yellow are equal. »

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