For up to 120 people: Asylum accommodation in Pöring is increased – Ebersberg

The district of Ebersberg is desperately looking for new accommodation options for refugees, but the supply seems to be limited. It is therefore expected that no more people will be able to be admitted to the region until May. In order to overcome the bottleneck, the district office is apparently going to the existing refugee accommodation. The home for asylum seekers in Pöring is now to be increased to its maximum capacity by order of the district authority. Up to 120 people can then be accommodated in the container building there.

Nothing will change structurally at the accommodation, instead the refugees will soon have to move much closer together. “The rooms should be compacted,” said Zorneding’s mayor Piet Mayr (CSU) at the most recent meeting of the municipal council. In concrete terms, this means that four-bed rooms will be set up in the accommodation in the future. The Pöringer asylum seekers’ home is currently designed for around 100 people, and the spatial restructuring should enable up to 20 more refugees to be accommodated in the future – 120 people is then the maximum capacity that the container construction can accommodate.

Before the increase, “problem cases” should be relocated to other accommodations

Such a large number of people in a small space naturally harbors a certain potential for conflict. The municipality has therefore reported its concerns to the district office because of the planned increase, as Mayr said. Since the capacities in the district are otherwise completely exhausted, the risk is obviously being taken. After all, the district authority has assured the municipality that possible “problem cases”, as Mayr called them, will be relocated to other accommodation before the increase. When asked by SZ, the mayor also confirmed that the previous security concept would remain in place and that security would continue to be used at the facility.

This is probably also due to the fact that there have already been several incidents in the accommodation. A fire broke out in the building in spring 2020, seriously injuring one person. Also in late summer 2021, a major fire destroyed part of the building. Although nobody was injured at the time, there was a great deal of damage. The accommodation therefore had to be renovated over a period of several months.

In the meantime, the building is urgently needed again, because the refugee situation in the district has worsened over the past few weeks. The former savings bank building in Ebersberg was also converted into accommodation, but the capacity limit has now been reached there too. However, the district does not want to make use of the possibility of using gymnasiums to accommodate refugees, as District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU) has repeatedly emphasized. Instead, the head of the district authority will write a letter to the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior and describe the Ebersberg emergency.

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