For those with a sweet tooth: vegan three-minute brownie from the microwave

Spontaneous enjoyment
Chocolate dream: vegan three-minute brownie from the microwave

A brownie from the microwave can be prepared in no time – and a chocolate treat

© Rimma Bondarenko / Getty Images

Chocolate, fudgy and juicy – this is how a brownie should taste. If you want it to be quick, the preparation in the microwave is ideal. In just a few minutes you will have a delicious vegan dessert.

A brownie always works. Juicy, chocolaty and still a little moist, the American dessert is extremely popular. The microwave variant is particularly suitable for spontaneous cravings. You only need a handful of ingredients and about three minutes and the steaming chocolate treat is in front of you. Sounds easy right?

The good old microwave debate

The microwave is one of the most controversial household appliances of all – some love the numerous options for quick food preparation: Just quickly warm up some milk, defrost food or heat up the previous day’s dinner in seconds. You can even cook in the microwave.

The others, on the other hand, are suspicious of the kitchen appliance. They are deterred from the possible health consequences of the radiation. And even if the Federal Office for Radiation Protection informs that – if at all – very little of the so-called “leakage radiation” reaches the outside, the debate continues to this day.

Good or bad, the microwave is always ideal for quick baking experiments. A chocolate brownie is cooked in seconds thanks to the electromagnetic waves; if you include a little preparation time, we get the wonderful dessert within three minutes. A pleasure for in between.

American classic: the story of the brownie

There are many myths about the making of brownies, they all originated in the United States. On the one hand, there is the chef who accidentally poured melted chocolate into the sponge cake batter, the cook who forgot the flour for the cake batter, or the housewife who improvised a brownie recipe due to a lack of baking powder.

A common myth goes back to the late 1800s and defines Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel as the birthplace of brownies. The chef is said to have been commissioned to create a small, dessert-like cake for a trade fair in the city. The dessert should be packaged and handed over and transported. The original recipe of the inventive chef includes an apricot glaze and walnuts as ingredients and is still on the hotel’s menu today. However, there is evidence that the recipe was first mentioned in writing around 1900.

Vegan enjoyment

The classic recipe for brownies as we know them today consists of just five ingredients: Butter, flour, sugar, eggs and of course dark chocolate are mixed into a homogeneous batter and baked for a good 15 minutes. The advantage of the microwave brownie is not just the time it saves.

The pastries are also vegan, so they do not contain any animal ingredients. In terms of taste, the Blitz variant is in no way inferior to the original. While the wonderful smell of brownie spreads around the apartment, you can prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming taste explosion – the steaming chocolate miracle stands in front of you at the speed of light and is ready to eat. Caution hot!

Recipe for a vegan microwave brownie


  • 40 grams of spelled flour, type 630 (alternatively: wheat flour, oat flour)
  • 60 milliliters of oat drink
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, heavily de-oiled
  • ½ pack of vanilla sugar
  • A pinch of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ tablespoon lemon juice concentrate
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
  • 20 grams of dark chocolate

Nut nougat brownie: This secret cake recipe is guaranteed to succeed


  1. Heat the coconut oil so that it becomes liquid. Roughly chop the chocolate.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients in a microwave-safe container.
  3. Add the liquid ingredients and mix everything until all the lumps have dissolved.
  4. Wipe the edge of the dough.
  5. Microwave the mug at 700 watts for two minutes.
  6. Every now and then, check the consistency and adjust the cooking time if necessary. Take the brownie out a little too early as it can still cook – this prevents it from becoming too dry.
  7. Enjoy immediately!

By the way: The brownie batter can be varied to your heart’s content. Depending on your taste, desiccated coconut, soluble coffee powder, nut butter or fresh berries give a new note. Chopped nuts, dried fruits or cocoa nibs also add variety and turn the brownie into a culinary experience.

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