“For the first time, there is a significant drop in job seekers”, assures Sophie Cluzel

It’s time to take stock. A few months before the presidential election, the Secretary of State in charge of disabled people, Sophie Cluzel, reviews her convictions and the government’s action. It is explained in particular by the “deconjugalization” of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), demanded in unison by the associations and the opposition, but systematically rejected by the majority. A heated subject, which should continue to be talked about in the coming months …

Disability, a priority for the five-year term, was Emmanuel Macron’s promise. Has the commitment been kept?

This priority is a reality since the budget devoted to disability has increased by 17% since 2017. It amounts to 52 billion euros: this is 6 billion euros more over five years. With a 65% increase in the budget for the inclusive school, 2 billion euros more for the allowance for disabled adults and medico-social solutions, the number of which has greatly increased. This priority is a reality in the investments and in many new rights that have been opened.

You have just launched a major awareness campaign to “change the way people look at disability”: TV spots, cinema, billboards, etc. This look has not changed?

Yes, it has evolved. The campaign speaks of a gaze that has changed, which should no longer be either compassionate or empathetic, but quite simply a gaze of truth. We must look at the person above all, and not stop at disability, because it is still the leading cause of discrimination in France. It is also about seeing that people with disabilities have desires, needs and expectations like everyone else: sharing a school life, emotional life, meetings with colleagues …

You still have to have colleagues. En 2017, there were only 3.5% of people with disabilities in private companies. Where we are ?

About 3.8% in private companies, but with a momentum that has taken hold. For the first time, there is a significant drop in job seekers. At the end of 2020, people with disabilities represented 7.8% of job seekers against 8.6% at the end of 2019. This is already too much, but there is a decrease. It is clear that the employment of people with disabilities was not the adjustment variable during the health crisis. Thanks to the 4,000 euros of employment assistance for any CDD of more than three months or CDI, 21,000 contracts have been signed since January 2021, 60% of which are CDI.

In January, you are going to release a book, The strength of different. What is the message ?

These are meetings with personalities on themes such as caregivers, siblings, work, representation in the media. I spoke in particular with Claude Chirac, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, Gringe, Alexandre Jollien, Gilbert Montagné, Marie-Amélie Le Fur… Or Dominique Farrugia, who pushes a rant because moving in the street [en fauteuil roulant] sometimes falls under the “Paris-Dakar”, so the sidewalks are in bad condition. These are free exchanges, sometimes quite muscular confrontations which shed a different light on the place of the disabled.

That is to say ?

It is about considering them as full citizens. We, the government, owe it to ourselves to simplify their lives, to help them be as independent as possible.

Precisely, the government refuses to “deconjugalize” the AAH, that is to say to calculate this assistance without taking into account the spouse’s income. It is a unanimous request from the associations and the opposition, who point out in particular the risk of financial dependence.. Do you hear their incomprehension?

But I totally understand! Associations have been asking for it for years. But no government has done it, including those who are calling for it today from the opposition ranks. Let us dwell on the following paradox: since 2017, we have been promoting a policy of equality and full citizenship for people with disabilities. And on the other hand, it would take extremely different treatment for them on social minima? I say: let’s open the debate [sur la déconjugalisation des aides] for all social minima, whether for the RSA, the allowance for disabled adults, the allowance for loss of autonomy … I have no problem opening this debate, but not through a draft law only on people with disabilities.

On the other hand, to improve their purchasing power, I have planned a flat-rate allowance of 5,000 euros. [à partir du 1er janvier 2022]. 120,000 couples will earn an average of 110 euros per month on average. And I want to reiterate that when there is violence, and the person wants to leave the couple, they immediately touch the AAH at the level to which they can claim alone, within ten days and without having to prove their situation.

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