For the first time in three months, the Nupes parties will meet again

The leaderships of the parties of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) will, as of next Monday, resume their weekly working meetings, learned 20 minutes with several guests. Difficult however to know who is at the initiative. Such a meeting, weekly since the legislative elections of 2022, had not taken place since May 2.

That evening, a meeting “at the top”, according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, which was to allow progress on “act 2 of the Nupes”, had turned sour between rebellious, socialists, ecologists, communists and Generations. The very distant attitude of Fabien Roussel’s PCF, but also the reaffirmed choice of EELV to go alone to the Europeans, had strained relations between allies, to the point of partly cutting off the channels of communication. 20 minutes had also told the story. The protagonists had promised to meet again, without success so far.

“In the context, it’s good to talk to each other”

Since then, relations have deteriorated further. At the beginning of June, in an interview granted to 20 minutes, Jean-Luc Mélenchon gave a push in favor of a union with the Europeans. Then the urban violence following the death of the young Nahel dug a small gap between rebels refusing to call for calm and in particular the Socialist Party, at the origin of the law which had changed the rules of self-defense of the police in the case of refusal to comply.

For the first time, the very unitary Olivier Faure distanced himself from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, with whom he said he had a “profound disagreement”. What to consider the vital prognosis of the engaged Nupes. The fact that the allies of Nupes are resuming their weekly meeting is not insignificant. For almost three months, the only living channel for discussion has been the intergroup meeting at the National Assembly every Tuesday morning. In the opinion of all, this intergroup works well, “but it cannot settle disputes between parties”, recognizes a socialist.

“In the context, it’s good to talk to each other, I think”, assures a rebellious. Maybe, but to say what? “If it’s to put the Europeans back on the table, it’s useless,” people said not long ago in the entourage of the Socialist Party leadership. Socialists, ecologists, rebels and communists will also meet after the holidays, during their respective summer universities at the end of August… all on the same weekend, in the four corners of the country.

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