For Putin, the meeting with Biden was “constructive”

Vladimir Putin held a press conference after leaving his summit with Joe Biden – Alexander Zemlianichenko / POOL / AFP

Obviously, the Russian and American presidents have discussed many subjects together. At the end of their first meeting this Wednesday in Geneva, Vladimir Poutine spoke at a press conference and took stock of his discussions with Joe Biden. He was rather positive, assuring that this interview had been “constructive”.

“There was no animosity,” he said, adding that “on many issues our assessments diverge, but both sides have demonstrated a desire to understand each other and seek ways to reconcile positions ”. He also referred to “a frank and direct discussion”. Regarding the character of Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin described him as “a constructive, balanced person (…) and that’s what I expected”.

The Navalny case

Regarding the fate of the opponent Alexeï Navalny, now imprisoned after having almost died of poisoning which he accuses the Kremlin of having instigated, Vladimir Poutine simply declared: “This man knew he was breaking the law in force in Russia ”.

Joe Biden this week issued a warning about the famous opponent. Navalny’s death “would be a tragedy,” he said. It would only deteriorate relations with the rest of the world. And with me “.

Return of ambassadors to their place of employment

Obviously, the two politicians would have agreed on the return of their respective ambassadors. In March, Russia took the rare decision to recall its Ambassador Anatoly Antonov after Joe Biden compared Vladimir Putin to a “killer”. Meanwhile, the United States expelled ten diplomats in April in a new wave of sanctions after cyberattacks blamed on Moscow. Russia retaliated with further expulsions and banning the US embassy in Moscow from employing foreign nationals, severely restricting the embassy’s activities.

US Ambassador John Sullivan announced a month later that he would return to Washington for consultations, which the Kremlin had called for. Ambassadors “return to their place of employment. When exactly, it is a purely technical question ”, declared the Russian president.

“Cybersecurity Consultations”

The withdrawal of the ambassadors came after diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington have deteriorated rapidly since Joe Biden took office in January, who accuses Russia in particular of serial cyber attacks and electoral interference in the United States. In this regard, Vladimir Poutine assured that he and his counterpart had agreed to start “consultations on cybersecurity”.

He added, however, that “the greatest number of cyberattacks in the world originate from American space” and criticized Washington’s lack of cooperation in the matter.

No worries in the Arctic?

On the question of the Arctic, a strategic region where Russia does not hide its ambitions, the Russian president assured that the United States should not worry about Russian militarization. “The concerns of the American side on militarization have no basis” because Russia is doing “nothing new” in the region but only repairs “destroyed infrastructure” after the fall of the USSR, he said. he told the press adding: “On the contrary, I am convinced that we must cooperate”.

The American president must also speak to the press before returning to the American capital.

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