For our readers, it’s sometimes “complicated to finish the month and pay for supplies”

“At the beginning of July, I bought schoolbags, pens, glue, etc. I got it for 75 euros whereas last year it was much cheaper, says Amandine, a mother. Even the headmistress of the school warned that the cost of supplies had gone up. The price of paper pulp is soaring, and inflation is being felt even in the “school supplies” departments of supermarkets. Proof of this is that the parents of a sixth-grade pupil will have to pay on average this year 208 euros for back-to-school purchases, according to a study by Families of France. This represents an increase of 4.25%.

In fact, even if the government pays the second part of the back-to-school allowance (ARS) revalued on Tuesday, parents of students will still stick their tongues out in September. Beyond Amandine, this is also the case for Lydie, reader of 20 minutes who responded to our call for testimonials: “It’s complicated to finish the month and pay for supplies. I had anticipated by starting the school races in June and July, but the teachers ask for a lot of things. »

How to “reduce the grade”

Seeing inflation skyrocket the price of spiral notebooks, large or small squares. The executive has announced that it will therefore pay an exceptional bonus this year, launched under the Purchasing Power Act. This boost should cost 1.1 billion euros to the State and will arrive in September in the wallets of households with the lowest incomes.

This boost of 100 euros per household, plus 50 euros per child is welcome at a time when “everything has increased, even registrations for extracurricular activities”, explains Aurélie to 20 minutes. “I was hallucinating when I saw the recommended price of calculators for college. They went from 13 to 16 euros! », Says, for her part, Céline. The one whose son enters 6th gives us her tip “to reduce the note”: “I sorted all the material in the kit to recover what is still in good condition. For some pens, for example, I would only have the refills to buy. »

Fountain pens, erasers or glue sticks have seen their prices increase by 3%, according to the study of the association Family from France. To lower the note, “the notebooks and binders are kept and exchanged between my children with their agreement, affirms Aurélie again. […] We keep everything! And we recover, it’s school waste reduction! Like this single mother of two toddlers aged 12 and 16, readers of 20 minutes are doubling down on tricks to limit back-to-school purchases.

“Simplify their requirements regarding the requested equipment”

Thus, Aurélie “never buys the supplies requested on a list at the end of the year” because, “often, the teachers give a new one” at the start of the school year. “This makes us buy duplicate supplies”, adds the one who denounces a “unmanageable and expensive” situation. For her part, Claire “ignores special requests, such as ‘red notebook with blue cover'”. Mother of two children, she points to the responsibility of certain teachers, who should “simplify their requirements concerning the material requested”.

“Parents of three children, and employees, we will not benefit from this exceptional bonus”, regrets Ninia who considers this “unfair”. “If it is aid due to extraordinary inflation, all households with children in school should benefit from it”, argues our reader. The mother of the family spends around 200 euros for her eldest student, and 150 euros for her junior in primary school.

Cut corners on buying clothes

For her part, Claire does not benefit either “from a voucher to prepare for the start of the school year or from specific allowances” because she is “just above the income limit to be entitled to it”. Mother of two children, she must limit herself to what is strictly necessary for back-to-school purchases. Like her, Céline explains that restrictions will be essential this year: “I think that this year there will be less clothes bought to fill the increase in supplies. »

It should be noted that initially intended for low incomes, the exceptional back-to-school bonus 2022 will ultimately be received by beneficiaries of social minima, APL or the activity bonus, as well as scholarship students. Uncertainty nevertheless persists concerning the amount of aid granted to people who receive the activity bonus. For them, the amount paid could be different. A response is expected in the coming days.

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