For Macron, the vaccination of children must be “desirable” but not compulsory

While France, like Europe, is facing a sharp increase in contamination, Emmanuel Macron provided an update on Wednesday on the main tool chosen by the government to fight against the coronavirus: mass vaccination. On TF1, the Head of State thus judged that the vaccination of children against Covid-19 was “desirable” but without obligation.

“Between 5 and 11 years, the health authorities explained that this would protect”, recalled the president. “And so I think it is desirable”, but “after, it is the choice of parents”. However, children “rarely have severe forms even though in recent weeks we have had dozens of cases of children, sometimes young, who are in hospital with severe forms”. “So today we have not put any obligation” for the children.

Asked about the hypothesis of a vaccine obligation in the long term, including for adults, he judged it “quite possible”, even if he has not mentioned a decision in this direction for the moment. Because, he argued, the health pass has already instituted “almost a vaccination obligation”. “We are almost there”, he repeated, “when more than 90% of those who were to be vaccinated were vaccinated”. But on this subject “we will look with pragmatism in the coming weeks”.

Macron says he is also tired of this situation

“It is likely that we will go towards regular reminders,” continued the Head of State, citing the annual influenza vaccine as an example, which is not compulsory. The flu “every year comes back with a slightly different form, you have to be revaccinated to have good protection”. “It is likely that we are going towards that for this virus”.

“Many of our compatriots are tired of this situation” he admitted, “I am like you”. But he defended himself from having set up a “permanent control society” because of the epidemic, and preferred to speak of a “vigilance society” or “responsibility”. Emmanuel Macron therefore promised that the pass will remain provisional: “it is obvious since I do not think that we will go for all eternity with this virus”. Finally, he again called the “more than 5 million of our fellow citizens who are not vaccinated with responsibility because they are not protected”.

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