For Laury Thilleman “it is important to provide resources to caregivers”

Laury Thilleman’s head is full of memories of her grandmother Yvonne, “I remember salt dough, grandmother Yvonne was very talented. We made hats with fruit on them. We sang and danced too. » Like nearly 900,000 people in France, the grandmother of the former Miss France suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. It’s been 12 years since Yvonne was diagnosed “an earthquake for the family… We feel so helpless”, admits Laury Thilleman.

Since 2021, the TV host has been one of the spokespersons for the Foundation for Medical Research. Since 1947, the organization has helped families and patients. “Their goal is to find a treatment but also to help caregivers find the means to assume this role which is very difficult and very little recognized. » Families dedicate themselves every day to their loved ones, and for Laury Thilleman, “we must talk about it to obtain aid and donations so that each family can have the choice… Dedicate their life to their loved one full time or place them in a Ehpad. »

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