For its new fictions, the channel relies on comedians and police characters

The homicide rate in TF1 dramas will skyrocket next season. The group presented this Tuesday morning, during its back-to-school conference, the main new features of its schedule to come from September. As for series and TV movies, the focus will be on thrillers. Starting with the mini-series Lost Riverwhose investigation will take on a supernatural dimension, or Broceliande, worn by Nolwenn Leroy playing a woman wrongly accused of murder. As the title suggests, Breton legends will infuse the hot scenario like Breizh.

In Master CrimesMuriel Robin (who will also be found in a TV movie on incest, Eyes wide open), will play a devious professor of criminology who will carry out various investigations to the chagrin of the policewoman camped by Anne Le Nen. According to the first images shown to the press, the atmosphere is more towards the cozy murder to the Cluedo than in the sticky cracra. Miss Holmes will also dig the furrow of the detective series with a lively tone. The title role was given to Lola Dewaere. His character, Charlie, will be none other than… the great-granddaughter of the British Sherlock, name of a pipe! She will be flanked by a medical examiner played by Tom Villa – an elemental nod to dear Watson.

A “tailor-made” series for Julien Doré

Humor, funny duo and deduction always in The Ariadne’s thread, a series featuring Chantal Ladesou as an ex-judicial columnist quick to rummage through the investigations of her police officer son, played by Florent Peyre. Julien Doré will be entitled to a series written “tailor-made” for him. He will be in Pandaa (baba) cool ex-cop, lugging his laid-back cynicism and sense of repartee from one episode to the next.

If Tom Villa and Florent Peyre will, it seems, have supporting roles, TF1 will not fail to call on comedians in leading roles. This will be the case of Daron, with Didier Bourdon. Arnaud Ducret will share the poster for the action series Mercato with Manon Azem, as a Parisian cop transferred to Marseille. In perspective: tarpin of comical scenes on the “shock of cultures / Parisian calf’s heads”. Humor too, with a dose of mental load: The Negotiatorwill see François-Xavier Demaison as a former BRI agent overwhelmed by his private and family life.

Claudia Tagbo as funeral director

Booder will shoot the pilot of the Nanny in which he will improvise as a “nanny” with a homoparental family, and Claudia Tagbo will be filming this fall in RIP. “No wedding without tears, no funeral without laughter” is the slogan of this series in which the comedian will run a funeral home. Laughing?

Among the particularly ambitious projects, TF1 mentioned the filming in live action, that is to say in real shots, of the adaptation of Cat’s Eyes, a cult Japanese animated series for the “Dorothee generation”. All in partnership with Amazon Prime Video. The group will also co-produce, with the BBC (UK) and ZDF (Germany), an adaptation of five club signed by Nicolas Winding Refn – the director of Drive. Filming has started in recent days in Cornwall.

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