For its first publication, an illustration error on the front page

“It’s a number that will perhaps not mark the history of France but at least the history of the press”, hoped Geoffrey Lejeune this Sunday morning, while the Sunday newspaper appears for the first time under his leadership. And what a first! Quickly concocted with the “volunteer” help of other far-right journalists, this JDD of only 32 pages devotes its front page to the “families of victims” of insecurity. And wants to put on the cover a photo of the white march in memory of Enzo, a 15-year-old teenager killed with a knife on July 22 in Eure.

Except that the photo used was taken by South West, during a march organized by the family of another Enzo, 16, who died after being hit by a car in January in the Landes. “I was at the white march for Enzo. The photo does not correspond to our white march, ”commented the socialist deputy of Eure Philippe Brun. The error is repeated on page 3, with a new photo of the January white march to illustrate its subject on the murder in the Eure.

After a historic editorial strike against the arrival of Geoffrey Lejeune, linked to the weekly’s integration into Vincent Bolloré’s media empire, the JDD reappears for the first time in six weeks. Pascal Praud, leading journalist in this sphere, also devotes an editorial to it, regretting having “been deprived of his JDD which now promises to take on a different tone.

Among the feathers of this edition are Charlotte d’Ornellas and Raphaël Stainville, defectors from the far-right magazine Current valuesEric Naulleau, former stage comrade of Eric Zemmour, or even the all-terrain expert of CNews Mathieu Bock-Côté.

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