For ephemeral terraces, “the watchword is pedagogy”

In Paris, this May 19, the security officers of the town hall ensure that the rules in force concerning ephemeral terraces are respected – TH / 20 Minutes

  • It’s deconfinement! While restaurants, cafes and bars are allowed to open outdoors, 9,800 ephemeral terraces have sprung up in the streets of the capital.
  • Regulated by a charter, these temporary installations must comply with a few rules that the surveillance agents of the Paris city hall will ensure that they are respected.
  • New rules, which traders will have to sign from mid-July, should more strictly regulate these installations in order to limit the nuances.

In the 1st arrondissement of Paris,

Would the world before be back in Paris? This Wednesday, May 19, a new stage of deconfinement, marks the reopening of bars, cafes and restaurants. Rue du Roule, between two showers, we laugh and drink. No doubt a little too much for a mid-afternoon, but who cares: “We’ll have to get home at 9pm, and we’ve got a bunch of drinks to make up!” », Says Jules, a glass in his hand.

Life is gaining ground, as are the ephemeral terraces. Because if you had the idea of ​​going to drink a cannon in the capital, there is a good chance that you will savor it on a wooden pallet arranged in a parking or delivery space. The installations, sometimes sketchy, must respect a few rules. And the surveillance agents of the town hall of Paris keep watch.

A logic of mediation

“Today, the watchword is pedagogy,” explains Stéphane Bongibault. For the deputy head of the central Paris constituency, there is no question of playing spoilers on the first day of deconfinement. “We are there in a logic of support and benevolence. Obviously, our role is to ensure that the rules are respected, but we know that this is a crucial date for restaurateurs and traders ”, specifies the agent.

9,800 ephemeral terraces have flourished in Paris in recent days, installed by cafetiers or restaurateurs who usually do not have an outdoor space or who wish to extend it, the terraces of more than ten tables being applied a gauge of 50 % until June 9th. The town hall of Paris allows them to install “light and aesthetic devices, easily and quickly removable” on the roadway facing their business, according to the commitment charter created last spring.

“This charter serves to preserve a pleasant living environment for all,” explains Stéphane Bongibault. “The main thing is that the terraces do not bother pedestrians or people with reduced mobility,” indicates Aurélie L, surveillance officer. They can be installed on paid places, delivery places, but not on places for people with disabilities, car sharing or cycle paths, for example. “

A new charter next July

In the 1st arrondissement of Paris, the rules already seem to be well integrated by traders. For their part, the staff of the mayor of Paris warn that they will come back to ensure that the facilities remain up to standard. In the event of non-compliance with the protocol, they are empowered to issue a ticket to restaurateurs up to 500 euros, request removal from the terrace, and request an administrative closure from the Paris police headquarters.

“These are roughly the same rules as last summer, the real difference this year is that local residents’ associations are waiting for us at the turn,” warns Aurélien Barth, room manager in a neighborhood establishment. Many collectives, like Common noise, or
Live Paris, in fact stand against ephemeral terraces and the nuisance they cause for residents. Because, provided you have permission from neighboring businesses and do not obstruct a residential entrance, these terraces are sometimes several tens of meters long.

On July 1, restaurateurs will have to sign a new charter. Unveiled in the coming days, it will make it possible to perpetuate the installation of ephemeral terraces in the capital. According to information from Figaro, restaurant owners could in particular be asked not to exceed three parking spaces in front of their establishment. A compromise which, hopes the mayor of Paris, will reconcile lemonade makers and residents.

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