For Cedric’s lawyers, Delphine would have “changed to go out”

For the third time, the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal examined this Tuesday the request for the release of Cédric Jubillar, imprisoned since June 18, 2021 for the murder of his wife Delphine. A hearing which took place behind closed doors for nearly five hours, in the absence of the main suspect.

If the plaintiff’s lawyers did not fail to address the issue of the duvet and the pedometer, two important clues for the prosecution but since weakened by the elements of the file, they especially developed the thesis of the voluntary departure of the nurse from her home on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. And as when they showed that the young woman’s duvet was not in the washing machine when the gendarmes arrived at 4:50 am, they were would be based on pictures taken on the day of the disappearance to prove it according to The Dispatch. “There are objective elements in the file which make it possible to consider that it is more than likely that she changed to go out”, assures one of them, Emmanuelle Franck.

The same pajamas were reportedly described by her young son Louis, who spent the evening with his mother watching TV before going to bed around 11 p.m. The young woman could therefore have changed later. And maybe go out alone from the house in Cagnac-les-Mines where she still lived with her husband, with whom she was in the process of separation.

The charges of the fellow detainee in question

A track at the antipodes of that followed from the beginning by the investigators of the research section of the gendarmerie of Toulouse. Beyond the serious and concordant clues which led Cédric Jubillar to prison, the latter forged the conviction that he was the main suspect because of his behavior. Before the young woman’s disappearance, he had said several times that he wanted to kill and bury her, including his own mother. Since December 16, he has repeatedly joked on the subject. But it was his presupposed confession to a fellow inmate that continued to drive the point home.

This man, placed in the cell near that of Cédric Jubillar and with whom he would have established links, would have taken his confession, before delivering it to investigators. According to this witness, the husband confessed to her killing his wife with a knife after having caught her texting her lover, before going to hide the body on a farm, which has since burned down. A confession that he would have also made to his new companion, Séverine S. It is on the basis of the statements of this fellow detainee that this forty-something was placed in police custody in December.

“It’s a manipulation”,

“It’s non-information. You have a fellow inmate, you have him in all criminal cases, who comes out of the hat, who says he has the truth and who generally monetizes his release, and that was not lacking, since a few days later he was released. It’s manipulation, ”says Alexandre Martin, one of the three defenders of Cédric Jubillar who should explain these new facts to the two investigating judges during the next month.

“This idea that the body would be buried on this farm which burned down has been known to investigators since June. I think all the investigations have already been done at this location. If they want to go back, it is because it was done badly the first time. But if this man tells us the location of the body, why couldn’t we find him? », Asks Jean-Baptiste Alary, the lawyer of the first hour of Cédric Jubillar.

Answer Friday

A defense which also considers that the letters sent by their client to Séverine S. since he was in prison, some of which were coded to convey intimate messages to his companion as revealed The Parisian, do not contain anything that is dependent. “There is no instruction given in it, the code word is ‘I love you honey, I really want you and fuck you big PD if you can crack the code.’ There is nothing otherwise we would already know ”, assures Me Emmanuelle Franck.

This reading of the file, another lawyer of the file does not share it. Laurent Boguet, who defends the interests of the couple’s children, for his part supported the Attorney General who requested the continued detention of Cédric Jubillar. “The serious nature of a certain number of serious and concordant clues justifies that investigations be carried out. We maintain that things must still give way to acts of investigations carried out by the courts, ”said the representative of the civil parties.

We will know on January 14 on the arguments of each other have borne fruit with the magistrates of the investigating chamber, who on three occasions refused to return Cédric Jubillar to detention.

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