For 79% of French people, teachers should be vaccinated as a priority

Should teachers be vaccinated as a priority to protect them against the coronavirus? – Jacquelyn Martin / AP / SIPA

Closed since April 2, schools should reopen soon. For 79% of French people, teachers and teaching staff should be able to be vaccinated as a priority, according to an OpinionWay survey for the SNES-FSU union published on Wednesday.

Vaccination “dedicated slots” have been open since last weekend for teachers over 55. But according to the current schedule, those under the age of 55 will have to wait until mid-June to get vaccinated. For 75% of those questioned, this timetable is “too late”.

Distance Learning

This opinion poll on “the French and the reopening of schools”, carried out on April 14 and 15 via an online questionnaire on a representative sample of 1,001 people, also looks at the difficulties of connecting to digital workspaces. which marked the week of remote work before the holidays.

While preschools and elementary schools are due to reopen on April 26, middle and high schools will experience a new distance learning week from April 26 to 30. And 58% of those questioned tend not to trust the government or not at all to resolve the technical difficulties encountered at the beginning of April. On this issue, 33% tend to trust the government.

Regarding the health measures for the start of the school year, 83% of those questioned want “a strict protocol for the definition of contact cases” and class closure to break the transmissions from the first contamination. And 73% are in favor of organizing “massive and regular test operations”.

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