Footballer Odsonne Edouard has still not compensated the man he made deaf

Tuesday, across the Channel, Odsonne Edouard was in the news by signing a contract with the London club Crystal Palace, four years after his arrival at Celtic. To pay for the services of the 23-year-old French striker, the club coached by Patrick Vieira paid
17.5 million euros. A sum that has not gone unnoticed on the side of Toulouse. In particular with Francis Guiral, an inhabitant of the Pink City who lost part of his hearing after being shot by… Odsonne Edouard.

Facts for which the player passed TFC and PSG was sentenced on appeal in 2018 to four months suspended prison sentence. A sentence completed last April on civil interests, which condemned the footballer to pay 23,539.25 euros to his victim to compensate in particular the hearing aid of the retiree who suffers from a permanent functional deficit according to a medical expertise.

While walking in town at the end of February 2017, Francis Guiral was hit by an Airsoft projectile fired from a car. Injured, he had noted the vehicle’s license plate number, allowing investigators to trace the player’s car.

It is “not for the solidarity fund to pay”

“Since June 2018, he is absent subscribers, he left without leaving an address to the court, nor to his lawyers. However, when you type your name on the Internet, you know very well where it is and when I see the amount of its transfer, I find it dishonest. Especially since if he does not pay, it is a solidarity fund that will do so, with people’s taxes, ”deplores Francis Guiral.

The latter says he is “without hatred or passion”. But what unbearable the one who was an educator is the attitude of the player, “source of inspiration for children”. “He is an icon for a generation, he must not be able to make people believe that he is above the law, there is a judgment, it must be applied. English football straddles the rules of decorum, I hope it will have moral pressure, ”continues the Toulousain.

The latter hopes that the letter he sent to the TFC will bear fruit. Because the Violets club is supposed to receive a very small part of the transferD’Odsonne Edouard for having trained the player. “In fact, they will be in contact with him, have information or his address. They can therefore intervene, ”hopes Francis Guiral. Unless it is the Crystal Palace that does it, certainly sorry to see this bad buzz accompanied by the arrival of his new recruit.

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