Football fan, exception manager, hot head: Uli Hoeneß turns 70

“important today”
Football fan, exception manager, hot head: Uli Hoeneß turns 70

At peace with himself: Uli Hoeneß very relaxed at an event in Stuttgart in 2018

© Marijan Murat / DPA

Probably the most controversial football manager Germany has ever had is 70 years old. Journalist Max-Jakob Ost has accompanied Uli Hoeneß for years and says: “He meets you at eye level.”

When Uli Hoeneß notices that one of his teammates has not been vaccinated against Corona, he immediately breaks off the private round of Schafkopf. He recently revealed that in an interview and it shows: The 70-year-old has lost none of his passion and temperament even after leaving FC Bayern in 2019. As before, he interferes in discussions, sometimes rumbles against the DFB, against vaccine opponents: inside or also praises the new Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. Why does Hoeneß still have such importance? The journalist Max-Jakob Ost explains it in an interview with “today important” host Michel Abdollahi: “Now he is no longer in an official position, but his word still carries weight, he has shaped German football for five decades. “

The success of Uli Hoeneß

When Hoeneß took over FC Bayern in 1979, the club had hardly any money. But little by little he builds an empire. Max-Jakob Ost describes the exceptional manager’s recipe for success in “heute important”: “Uli Hoeneß first loves football and understood very early what football is, namely not just a sporting competition, but part of the entertainment industry.” Hoeneß looked around at clubs like Manchester United at a very early stage, analyzed processes and thus brought FC Bayern to the top. He is often criticized by fans and journalists for this commercialization of football.

“As a journalist, the way to contact us is by fax”

For the podcast “11 lives – the world of Uli Hoeneß” the journalist Max-Jakob Ost immersed himself in the Hoeneß environment for three years. He not only talked to many companions, but also to the ex-manager himself. It is not even possible to call him like this: “You can still not reach him on the cell phone, or only very few have their cell phone number. But as a journalist, the way to get in touch is a fax that you send to the Tegernsee, and he responds to that very reliably. “

Michel Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “Today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with poise and sometimes uncomfortably. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters: inside with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a sound say.

Small celebration at home

Uli Hoeneß loves big celebrations, but this year he will only celebrate his birthday in a very small, family circle. In summer there will be a big party with many guests, because then his wife Susi, to whom he has been married since 1973, will also be 70.

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