Football club cancels youth training to protest parents’ aggressive attitude

It was the last straw. The leaders of the Ile-de-France club AC Boulogne-Billancourt have taken a radical decision, after yet another overflow from the parents of footballers, Saturday, at the Marcel Bec stadium: purely and simply cancel training on Wednesday April 13. According to The Parisianthis decision was taken by the steering committee which met on Monday afternoon.

“Following the resurgence of verbal and physical attacks in recent weeks and faced with the aggressiveness of some parents towards our educators, the Club is taking the decision to cancel all training sessions this Wednesday, April 13 in order to raise awareness among all the world in the face of this unacceptable behavior, the club wrote on Twitter. We remind you that our sport is a hobby, even in competition, it is exercised and will always be exercised in the sense of a game where pleasure and our values ​​remain the priority for our young people”.

A meeting with educators scheduled for Wednesday

This is not the first time that the club has been confronted with such behavior (witness This article published on the club’s website in… 2017). This season, again according to our colleagues from Parisianvarious problems have enamelled the season for teams of young acebebists: here a mother who insults an educator in the middle of a match, there parents of players on the verge of fighting it out during a U7 category tournament… The club has therefore decided to react.

“Some parents do not accept that their son is a substitute and have inappropriate attitudes, declared the president of the football section Pascal Quatrehomme to the Parisian. We want to mark the occasion by bringing together all the educators this Wednesday. We already had a session with the parents at the start of the season to explain to them that the green rectangle is sacred, but we will do another one very soon. If the parents do not agree to see their substitute child, how can they understand? »

Far from being an isolated case, the ACBB is only one club among many others to suffer verbal and sometimes physical violence every weekend from parents convinced that they all have a potential Mbappé at home, forgetting at the same time that their children are above all on the pitch to have fun.

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