Football Bundesliga: Kohfeldt is the new coach in Wolfsburg

Status: 10/26/2021 6:09 p.m.

Florian Kohfeldt is the new coach of the Bundesliga soccer club VfL Wolfsburg. The club announced on Tuesday. The 39-year-old has a contract until 2023.

Kohfeldt succeeds Mark van Bommel, who was on leave with the “Wolves” last Sunday after the defeat against Freiburg. The ninth player from Wolfsburg has not won eight competitive games in a row.

Kohfeldt: “I didn’t have to think twice about it”

Kohfeldt will lead the training session at VfL for the first time on Thursday and will then be officially presented (3:30 p.m.). “I didn’t have to think twice about accepting this challenge. It’s an exciting task that I’m really looking forward to,” said Kohfeldt. “I’m going to use the short time until the next game to have a lot of conversations and get a first overview.” VfL competes at Bayer Leverkusen on Saturday (3:30 p.m., in the NDR Live Center).

“There is a lot of quality and dynamism in this team and we will now work together to bring them back onto the pitch.”
– Florian Kohfeldt

Schäfer: “We had a lot of conversations”

“In the past few hours we have had a lot of discussions and made a selection of possible candidates. We are happy that we were able to reach an agreement with Florian Kohfeldt and are convinced that he can identify with our path and that we can get back on the road to success with him will return, “said VfL sports director Marcel Schäfer.

Kohfeldt was released from his duties at Werder last May despite a contract until the summer of 2023. Borussia Dortmund’s technical director Edin Terzic was also recently considered a candidate. After separating from van Bommel, Michael Frontzeck took over the position of head coach on an interim basis in Wolfsburg.

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Sports club | 10/31/2021 | 10:50 pm


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