Foot OL – OL: Jean-Michel Aulas calls on the people! – Olympique Lyonnais

The OL boss wanted to speak directly to the fans of his club, trying to cheer everyone up while Lyon is going through a very difficult period.

Jean-Michel Aulas has decided to take advantage of this Christmas day to send a message to the supporters of theOlympique Lyonnais through a long video message posted on social networks. Returning to recent news from his club, the OL boss wanted to give reasons for hope to those who wonder where the Rhone club is going, but he also called for the sacred union to continue to exist around Lyon. The boss of Olympique Lyonnais, a follower of social networks, understood that the departure of Juninho and the mediocre results in Ligue 1, plus the incidents against OM and Paris FC, were only on the side of the stands of Groupama Stadium it was starting to rumble, including against him. In a setting that is to say the least austere, Jean-Michel Aulas has therefore decided to bring serenity and optimism back to the capital of the Gauls.

2022 the year of OL awakening announces Jean-Michel Aulas

The atmosphere is difficult globally and nationally, but also for Olympique Lyonnais, since we have just experienced a number of events which are more difficult than those we used to experience in previous years. I wanted to tell you that we have everything to have a second part of the season up to our sporting ambitions. Obviously, we suffered when Juninho decided to go a little further, we also suffered in the championship but also in the relationship with the supporters, especially because of the match against Marseille. We defend ourselves before all possible jurisdictions in order to assert that we have the best infrastructures in France, and values ​​that have never been called into question, we should not face difficulties that others would often have more deserved than us (… ) Yes our place of 13e in the standings is not up to Olympique Lyonnais, but we are sure that the positive points exist. You have to find the right coordination. We have a quality coach and staff. We also have quality players, but it is true that we did not achieve the performance that we wanted. But the differences are not made and with some changes that we will be making with Vincent Ponsot and Peter Bosz, we are determined to come back to the fore. In the European Cup, we had the best course in history and we have some certainties (…) We will succeed in qualifying for the European Cups, and continue in the Europa League (…) We need a vision realistic and benevolent between us (…) I count on you, even if I know that even if it is difficult, the year will be infinitely more prosperous than 2021 which is ending », Launched Jean-Michel Aulas, who also recognized that the club had to settle the concern of the supporters who did not behave worthy of OL against Paris FC and who represent a tiny minority.

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