Food & drink: Currywurst loses in the survey against the doner kebab

Eat Drink
Currywurst loses in the survey against the kebab

Wins in a duel against the currywurst: the kebab (above). photo

© Carstensen / Kalaene / dpa

It is well known that there is no arguing about taste – but in the competition for the most popular fast-food classic, there are at least tangible numbers. The age of the respondents is also relevant.

In the direct duel of fast food dishes, more people in Germany opt for the doner kebab than for the currywurst. This is the result of a representative survey by the opinion research institute YouGov. 45 percent of adults name the doner kebab when asked about the two fast food classics as alternatives. 37 percent name the currywurst, 15 percent answer “I don’t like either of them”, the rest gave no answer.

Women much prefer doner kebabs to sausages (47 to 30 percent), while men prefer currywurst to doner kebabs (43 to 42 percent). Older people over 55 also prefer the currywurst. Otherwise, the following applies: the younger, the greater the kebab love, as Yougov determined on behalf of the German Press Agency. Among the 18 to 24 year olds, for example, 57 percent named the doner kebab and only 21 percent the currywurst.


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