Food cravings: what can be the causes behind them?

Do you have a constant appetite and don’t know why? Anything can be behind those nasty hunger pangs, so it’s important to be aware of when they occur. Here you can find out what the reasons for this are.

What is a food craving?

Cravings always come on very suddenly and completely unexpectedly. Those affected feel a strong desire for certain foods such as sweets, snacks such as chips or fast food, which quickly satisfy their cravings and fill them up. Once the cravings get the better of you, your only thoughts are on the food until the craving is finally satisfied. Sooner or later, this often results in a food craving attack.

The most common causes of food cravings

Many things can be behind the binge eating, among other things, these things are responsible for the fact that we suddenly feel ravenous hunger:

  • too less sleep
  • physical exertion such as sport
  • in children and adolescents who are still growing
  • during pregnancy and lactation
  • in people who eat a lot of white flour or sugary foods
  • in irregular eaters
  • during concentrated work, for example in the office

Notice if the cravings occur after or during any of these situations and phases. These are harmless signals from the body that indicate a nutrient deficiency. Sometimes physical illnesses are hidden behind the attacks.

Read here what you can do against cravings: How to Stop Candy Cravings >>

Physical illnesses that can trigger food cravings

Certain diseases such as diabetes, metabolic or liver diseases, thyroid problems or migraines are possible triggers for food cravings.

Other reasons for binge eating

In addition to physical illnesses, the psyche can also affect eating habits, which is the case, for example, with a lot of stress. People with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia are also affected. In addition, taking certain medications can affect eating habits. In addition, hypoglycaemia also occurs as a side effect of alcohol addiction.

Food cravings: When should you see a doctor?

Anyone who constantly suffers from a feeling of hunger despite sufficient food intake or is plagued by binge eating should definitely see a doctor. Because only there can it be determined what is behind it and a possible treatment can be started. It is also advisable to see a doctor if you experience cravings during pregnancy, breastfeeding or the growth phase, or in the case of mental illness.

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