Following Ukraine’s application: Baltic States to join NATO – Germany hesitates

Status: 10/01/2022 12:15 p.m

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have spoken out in favor of Ukraine joining NATO quickly. Germany, on the other hand, is hesitating – also out of concern that the military alliance will be drawn into a war.

The Baltic EU and NATO countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania support an accelerated procedure for Ukraine’s NATO accession. “Ukraine’s Baltic friends fully support Ukraine’s admission to NATO as soon as possible,” Foreign Ministers Urmas Reinsalu (Estonia), Edgars Rinkevics (Latvia) and Gabrielius Landsbergis (Lithuania) wrote verbatim on Twitter.

“Ukraine’s inspiring courage can only strengthen our alliance.” The Baltic states are internationally regarded as close allies of Russia’s attacked Ukraine. As small, direct neighbors, many people in the Baltics worry about Russian aggression.

Federal government reacts cautiously

The German government, on the other hand, expressed reservations about accelerating Ukraine’s admission to NATO. “We continue to support Ukraine’s right to self-defense, including with heavy weapons, but we are doing everything we can to ensure that other countries and NATO are not drawn into this war,” said Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock focus in the first.

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Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht made a similar statement. Of course, Ukraine is free to choose the alliance in which it feels comfortable. However, joining NATO is subject to certain requirements. The question will now be discussed among the 30 NATO countries. “Germany will not go it alone,” said Lambrecht.

The US is also skeptical

The United States is also skeptical about Ukraine’s rapid accession. “Our view is that the best way we can help Ukraine is through practical assistance on the ground. And that the Brussels case should be picked up at another time,” said White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. At the same time, he emphasized that all decisions on NATO membership are a matter for the accession candidates and the members of the alliance.

Zelenskyi: “Take a decisive step”

In response to the signing of agreements in Moscow to annex four Ukrainian regions, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed an application for his country’s speedy admission to NATO. “We are taking a decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated NATO accession,” Zelenskyy said in a video circulated just minutes after the signing ceremony in the Kremlin.

Formal conditions not met

It is not yet clear what the consequences of the application will be. For a country to join the military alliance, all NATO member countries must agree. In general, a prerequisite for joining NATO is that the candidate must not be involved in international conflicts and disputes over borders.

Ukraine was invaded by Russia on February 24 and has been defending itself against the war of aggression ever since. As early as 2014, Russia occupied the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula of Crimea and annexed it a little later.

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