Florent Pagny will speak about his fight against cancer this Thursday against Gilles Bouleau

The information was released to the media at the last minute. Florent Pagny will be the guest of 20 hours of TF1 this Thursday. The press release from the channel specifies that the artist chose Gilles Bouleau’s diary to “express himself on the fight he has just started against the disease”.

On January 25, Florent Pagny revealed, in a video posted on his social networks, to have lung cancer. He was forced to cancel the tour he had launched on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

He started his treatment

The singer recently indicated that he has started chemotherapy, thus beginning a six-month protocol.

His arrival also comes a few days before the launch of season 11 of The Voiceof which he is one of the coaches, on Saturday.

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