Florence St. George comments on the separation from Harry

Harry’s ex-girlfriend admires Duchess Meghan

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are under constant public scrutiny

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For the first time in ten years, Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriend Florence St. George comments on the reasons for the separation of the former couple at the time. She has a lot of admiration for Duchess Meghan.

If anyone knows what Meghan Markle has to go through at the side of British royal Harry, then one of his ex-girlfriends. For the first time since the separation, Florence St. George (formerly Brudenell-Bruce) speaks about the dark side of the love affair with a prince.

Prince Harry has long been one of the most sought-after bachelors in Europe and had one or two girlfriends. But no love lasted until he met his current wife Meghan Markle. Harry’s ex-girlfriend Florence St. George confirms in an interview that it is not always easy with a member of the British royal family: “Although I was also sad, I was still happy when the relationship ended after a short time.”

Florence St. George only lasted two months with Harry

The former model, who is married to multimillionaire Henry Edward Hugh St. George ten years after her relationship with Harry, has two children and lives in the Bahamas, found the constant siege of the paparazzi and public scrutiny “terrible”. The then 25-year-old finally made a decision against the relationship with the prince and for her own privacy, which she has never regretted.

St. George and Harry were dating in the summer of 2011, but the romance only lasted two months. She has remained silent about the reasons for separation until now: “I take off my hat to people who get along with this lifestyle. I knew that I couldn’t,” she explains the end of love at the time. With this sentence, she pays to Duchess Meghan, albeit indirectly, her admiration, which is rather unusual from the partner’s ex-girlfriend.

source: The Times UK

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