Flood disaster in the Ahr Valley: CDU demands answers from Malu Dreyer

It’s getting uncomfortable for Malu Dreyer. Your interior minister Roger Lewentz had to resign because of the flood disaster in the Ahr valley with 134 dead. The opposition CDU is now demanding answers to 15 very specific questions from the Prime Minister.

By Gisela Kirschstein

What did Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) know about the situation in the Ahr Valley on the night of the flood? It is likely to be the crucial question for the coming weeks, because it is still unclear: Could not many more of the 134 dead in the Ahr Valley on the night of July 14, 2021 have been saved? After the resignation of Interior Minister Roger Lewentz (SPD), all eyes are now on Malu Dreyer – and the CDU opposition has questions.

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