Flood disaster – Bundesbank replaces destroyed cash – economy

The Deutsche Bundesbank replaced banknotes and coins worth more than 100 million euros that were damaged in the flood disaster last summer. Almost EUR 60 million of this was paid to private individuals, said board member Johannes Beermann. The rest went to banks to replace their money stored in vaults and lockers. Coins and banknotes from the disaster areas in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, which were at least 50 percent intact, were reimbursed. According to Beermann, there are no figures for how many notes were no longer refundable. The Bundesbank faced particular challenges when it came to drying and counting the more than 1.5 million banknotes. More than 180 people died in the storm disaster on the night of July 14, most of them in the Ahrweiler district in the Eifel.

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