Flight with Arik Air: Only prayer helps – panorama

In the middle of … Benin City

Illustration: Marc Herold

Actually, one never wanted to fly with Arik Air again after the Nigerian airline, which is not allowed to fly over European airspace due to various inconsistencies, left one at Accra Airport in 2017 and said goodbye to bankruptcy. Now Arik is back and is providing the only plane to Lagos this morning in Benin City. The boarding pass is written by hand because apparently the power has gone out. The plane arrives far too late, and then the small machine stands on the runway for almost an hour, and the temperature in the cabin is around 50 degrees. The pilot is working on the fuse box with a screwdriver and is on the phone with someone who obviously knows something about airplanes. When the plane actually lands in Lagos later, almost all the passengers cross themselves. Maybe that’s why Nigeria is such a religious country. Bernd Dorries

In the middle of… Munich

SZ column "In the middle of ...": Illustration: Marc Herold

Illustration: Marc Herold

Sunny day, on the way to work. An e-bike pensioner is waiting next to me at the green light. When the intersection is free, I cycle through the still red pedestrian traffic light. Prompt loud shouting from behind: “My lady: It’s red!!!” Auxiliary police officers trigger me even worse than Radelmotzer, which is why I routinely and just as energetically call back my stupid standard saying for such cases: “So you’re a police officer?” No more looking back. Take a deep breath. continue cycling. Long straight road slightly uphill. Soon visible in the corner of your eye: the e-bike is catching up. Two minutes later I can feel him on the back of my neck. The guy overtakes me very closely, turns around – and smiles as nicely as only pensioners can. “Okay, good saying, have a nice day,” says the man and pedals away. Sunniest morning in a long time. Vera Schroeder

In the middle of … Hanover

SZ column "In the middle of ...": Illustration: Marc Herold

Illustration: Marc Herold

Change at Hanover train station, the wind is howling uncomfortably and it’s pouring with rain. At least the rain mercifully dilutes what a man spits out who is trudging towards the covered smoking area. He stops at the stainless steel bucket and very carefully taps the ash off his cigarette. While one is still pondering this discrepancy in his behavior, a smoker starts a conversation with a railway employee who is there just taking a breather. What kind of weather is that – and you shouldn’t get sick? Terrible, the railway employee agrees. Then a hellish cough shakes the smoker. “I have to go back,” says the conductor. “All the best – and stay healthy!” The coughing woman, struggling to breathe, nods in agreement and croaks: “Absolutely! Health is the most important thing!” Violetta Simon

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