Flag march in Jerusalem: clashes on the Temple Mount

Status: 05/29/2022 11:36 a.m

Palestinians and Jewish visitors clashed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In view of the controversial flag march of ultra-nationalist Israelis, a further escalation is feared.

Clashes erupted on the Temple Mount ahead of a controversial flag march in Jerusalem. Palestinians clashes with Jewish visitors, police confirmed. According to the information, around 1,800 Jews visited the holy site. Some of them waved Israeli flags and prayed, in violation of the rules. They were removed from the Temple Mount. According to the police, there were some arrests after the confrontations.

According to information from the AP news agency, Palestinians are said to have thrown stones to protest a visit by the far-right Israeli MP Itamar Ben-Gwir to the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount (Al-Haram al-Sharif) with the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. But it is also sacred to Jews because there used to be two Jewish temples there. The Temple Mount is under Muslim administration while Israel is responsible for security. According to an agreement with the Muslim authorities, Jews can visit the facility but not pray there.

Escalation due to flag march feared

Fearing an escalation, Israel’s police have been put on high alert before the controversial flag march in Jerusalem. Around 3,000 security forces are to secure the march of nationalist Israelis in the afternoon. It also passes through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, which the Palestinians see as a provocation.

The march has been held annually on Jerusalem Day for decades. It celebrates the Israeli conquest of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War. The Palestinians see the Arabic-influenced eastern part of Jerusalem as the future capital of their own state. Before the march, the ruling Hamas in the Gaza Strip had threatened a violent reaction.

Last year, the May 10 flag march was canceled due to Hamas rocket attacks on Jerusalem. Israel then attacked targets in the coastal area. 255 Palestinians were killed during an 11-day conflict. 14 people died in Israel.

The conflict between Israel and militant Palestinians has escalated massively in recent weeks. Since March, 19 Israeli civilians have been killed in anti-Israel violence by Palestinians and Arab Israelis. The Israeli security forces responded with operations in Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank – especially in the area around Jenin, a stronghold of armed Palestinian groups. Three Israeli-Arab attackers, a police officer and 35 Palestinians died in Israel and the West Bank.

Jerusalem: tense situation before flag march

Tim Aßmann, ARD Tel Aviv, 29.5.2022 11:28 a.m

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