Fivefold murder suspect arrested

It’s a four-day run through Texas that ended on Tuesday. The American authorities have indeed announced the arrest of the man suspected of having shot and killed five people. “We have this man in custody. He was captured hiding in a closet under some clothes,” San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers said at a news conference. “Francisco Oropesa has been captured. He was arrested this evening (Tuesday) at approximately 6:45 p.m. (local time) in a house “north of Houston, said in a tweet the local branch of the FBI.

He is accused of having opened fire in the night from Friday to Saturday inside a house in Cleveland, near Houston, killing five people, all from Honduras and aged 9 to 31 years old. More than 250 local and federal agents had been looking for the suspect for several days in this state in the southern United States, where firearms abound. The authorities had offered a bounty of $80,000 for any information leading to his whereabouts.

The man who was worth 5 million dollars

“I just want to thank whoever had the courage and bravery to call and provide the location of the suspect,” FBI Agent Jimmy Paul said at the press conference. Francisco Oropesa’s bond has been set at five million dollars, Sheriff Capers said.

According to local authorities, the suspect was practicing shooting in his garden when neighbors asked him to stop the noise so that a baby could sleep. In response, he walked into his neighbors’ house and shot “execution-like, basically in the head” of several residents, Sheriff Greg Capers said. Among the survivors, three children “covered in the blood of the women who had lain on them to protect them” were discovered and rescued, he added.

Entering the country illegally, Francisco Oropesa had already been expelled from the United States to Mexico four times, according to a source within the migration authorities quoted by CNN.

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