Five-year-old towers in Markt Schwaben – Ebersberg

A little boy was out and about in Markt Schwaben shortly after 7 a.m. on Thursday, just in shorts and a T-shirt. A woman met the little one, who was already completely frozen, at the train station and took him to a nearby hotel to warm up. From there she called the police, handed the boy over to a hotel employee and continued on her way to work.

After the boy was able to give his name, the patrol crew also found out the home address. When the police arrived there with the child, the mother was already crying at the front door. She had taken the older son to school and left her five-year-old sleeping in the apartment. Due to the short way to school, the mother was back after five minutes and then noticed that her little son was missing, as the police reported.

The little adventurer must have woken up and tried to run after his mother and brother, but got lost. In the end, the runaway could be handed over to his overjoyed mother.

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